
Media Training

Our philosophy on media training is simple. Preparation is everything.

We work with our clients to ensure they are better informed, and better media performers under even the most intense scrutiny. The key to successfully understanding and engaging with all levels of media lies in three key pillars: knowledge, preparation and staying on message – whether that’s weathering a crisis and ensuing media storm or selling your story to potential customers, we can help you find your voice and share it with confidence.

Our media trainers have all been working journalists at the highest level. Their insight comes from experience – from reporting on the road, working at production desks, pulling together radio bulletins and meeting newspaper deadlines. We deliver practical, industry focused experienced-based sessions that ensure participants leave equipped and confident.

Our training is tailored to the needs of each client and nothing we do is off-the-shelf. We work to understand the issues facing your business and industry and prepare your team for the type of media exposure you’re likely to encounter. It’s about honing in on what you need, and not wasting time on what you don’t.

Environment, Social and Governance, and NFP Partnerships

Doing right by doing good is fundamental to the success of modern businesses and increasingly what sets top performers apart from the crowd.

We understand the relationship between ESG and PR and how the two work to build reputations and engage communities and deliver positive outcomes both inside and outside an organisation.

We help businesses engage authentically in a way that empowers staff as brand advocates and highlight meaningful partnerships that do more than just tick a box.

Our team works with clients to develop, implement and leverage meaningful ESG strategies that are authentic, high-impact and help build reputations for excellence in a crowded, image driven marketplace.

Digital Strategy and Social Media

At GT Communications, we combine modern, forward-thinking digital strategy with compelling content to tell your brand story in a way that’s both persuasive and engaging.

We help you find the right channels for your brand or business that deliver authentic engagement and measurable outcomes.

We understand the high-stakes nature of digital communication in an online world where social media platforms have given consumers a new and powerful level of influence. Our digital and social strategies are designed to grow and protect our partner brands, and are fully integrated with their wider business plans to deliver commercial outcomes. This ensures no stone is left unturned when it comes to maximising the reach and effectiveness of our digital campaigns in a strategic way that aligns with your business’s goals and deliverables.